ALEX gets hold of the criminal evidence of the bank manager and KEl. He extorts money from them. KEI kills ALEX so as to keep his month shut. ALEX claims that he has already inputted his criminal information into the computer before he died. KEI worries a lot. KEI knows that LAI is ALEX's colleague. He sends his subordinates to rob LAI's house and captures the computer diskette. Meanwhile, GEl goes to LAI's family. He turns his ankle when he is chasing the thieves. LAI is very touched and changes her attitude towards GEL FONG CHING is being sent to the hospital because of his heart disease. It becomes the hot-news of the week. It also arouses KEI's attention. WEI approaches HING. He tries his best to win her favour. They immediately become very good friends. WEI pretends that he is in...