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Irrigation Project in Focus: The Makings of a Beautiful Toronto Terrace

Project in Focus: The Makings of a Beautiful Toronto Terrace

Design Brief: Our client was downsizing to a condo in the city, but still wanted to maintain the outdoor living space they had become accustomed to in their previous home. The Waterboys irrigation team worked with the landscape designers to transform an urban space into a lush, and vibrant green space for relaxation and family entertaining. Now the clients can enjoy their lush green space without the work. The Waterboys installed RainBird XF Drippers on planters, and concealed the watersource and water system away into the landscape design.

Project Specifications:

Dripper Terrace Planter

Dripper Terrace Planter

Dripper Terrace Planter

Concealed Water Source

Concealed Water Source

Concealed Water Source

Concealed Watering System

Concealed Watering System

Concealed Watering System